Future-Proof Your Business

For the first time in 100 years, the world economy was literally shut down and forced to start again. Like a computer with a new operating system, the rebooted post-COVID-19 economy will function in fundamentally different ways. This book is a handbook on how to survive and thrive in the decades post-pandemic.

Rebooted decodes the collective wisdom of founders, tech executives, investors, policymakers, and scientists from every continent of the world. From the tech butterfly effect, the economics of pandemics, the four quadrants of unintended consequences, to inclusion and explainable AI, this book takes readers on a journey of the historic impact of what is to come after the Great Reboot. This toolkit includes external contributions from tech luminaries like Vint Cerf, the father of the internet, insights from people at Google, Amazon, Netflix, and Stanford University, and many others. Rebooted is a book is about how tech companies, creators, and founders can create radical success and fairness in the post-pandemic world of life, death, and tech.

Available on Amazon (link)

What People Are Saying


"Rebooted is an outstanding guide to navigating and thriving in the rough waters of economic change… an user-friendly blueprint for the future."

— Collin West, venture capitalist and managing partner, Ensemble Ventures


“Arnobio is one of the foremost thinkers about how technology is shaping our society.

— Jonathan Ortmans, founder and president, Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN)


"A must-read for business executives. Rebooted is a tour-de-force, as close as you can get to being a definitive playbook for the disruptive trends of the future."

— Prof. Paulo Almeida, Full Professor of Leadership at Fundacao Dom Cabral (#1 Business School in LATAM)


"Rebooted is an actionable toolkit for investors and founders to create responsible technology that is successful today and fair to future generations to come."

— Andrea Course, venture principal, Shell Ventures

“Arnobio’s work is required reading for founders and tech companies navigating the post-pandemic world of technology and society.”

— Maria Maso, founder & CEO, Business Angel Minority Association (baMa)


Rebooted is a must-read to those who want to build a more equitable and sustainable post-pandemic future.”

— Jean Philbert Nsengimana, former minister of IT for Rwanda


"The only constant is change. The massive impact of technology is incontrovertible. Arnobio rebooted my thinking about what the future holds."

— Brian Requarth, co-founder Viva Real (exited for $550 million). Author of Viva the Entrepreneur


"Arnobio does a most compelling and in-depth investigation of where the world is going in the decade after the COVID-19 upheaval. If you want to understand the post-pandemic economy, read this book."

— Ross Baird, CEO of Blueprint Investments and author of The Innovation Blind Spot


a handbook for the decades after the pandemic


On February 2, 2020, I received a strange message from a business contact in China regarding a trip to Beijing and Seoul ten days later. Our hosts sent a two-sentence email saying something like, “Do not come to Beijing due to the coronavirus situation, and we urge you to reconsider your trip to Seoul.” The dates blur in our minds today, but at the beginning of February, there were fewer than 200 reported COVID-19 cases in the world outside of China, and the U.S. had fewer than 10 reported cases.

Since then, I have made it my mission to understand the post-pandemic economy and share lessons on how to navigate it, working with businesses, researchers, and governments worldwide along the way.

In my new book, Rebooted: An Uncommon Guide to Radical Success and Fairness in the New World of Life, Death, and Tech, I share these actionable insights and tools I created. The book decodes the collective wisdom of founders, investors, policymakers, and technologists from every continent. It also includes external contributions from tech luminaries like Vint Cerf (father of the internet), Martin Cooper (the inventor of the first cell phone), and more.

Rebooted comes in 3 parts:


Part I.

Two Economies


Provides an economic framework for understanding the impact of the pandemic on markets (and your business or job) and how trends will unfold in years to come, including:

  • The (surprisingly) simple economics of pandemics and how they will affect you

  • The three waves of the Great Reboot, and the shifts that characterize each one of them

  • Why we are in for a Roaring 2020s decade

  • Ten years in ten weeks: how a global pandemic triggered the fastest recession on record and the most dramatic shift from analog to digital in history

  • Why asking if the economic recovery will be V-shaped, L-shaped, or W-shaped is the wrong question

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Part II.

Circles of Impact


Discusses the macro context we will all operate in during the coming decades and the Great Reboot impact on the spheres of the home, work, city, and world. Historical events have historical consequences, and this section is about those, including insights surrounding:

  • The two I’s of loneliness, and how they will be affected by machine-intermediated socialization

  • The strangest story of the interaction of social media, elections, and inequality (if you think Russian bots are the worst, you have not heard about what is happening in the developing world)

  • What the modern Holy Trinity of Despair is and how it is changing society (with lessons from a Nobel Prize winner)

  • The vicious cycle of cities, and why it matters

  • What the many people predicting a version of “the end of cities” get wrong

  • Why the future of work is probably less remote than you think

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Part III.

New Operating System Toolkit


Explores actionable insights and tools to navigate the post-pandemic world. Covers both the positive and negative unintended consequences of technology so we can build more responsibly. The toolkit includes lessons on:

  • Why the creator of the world wide web thinks the internet is broken and what he is doing to fix it

  • How the shadow twin of technical debt affects society, and why you should learn about it

  • The tech butterfly effect, and why the same things making tech beautiful can also make it ugly

  • Understanding the puzzle of why good people create bad technology (and why Silicon Valley, one of the most liberal clusters of people in the US, made the tools that helped bring about the right-wing presidency of Donald Trump)

  • The all-new framework of the Four Quadrants of Unintended Consequences of tech (Flywheel, Hijack, Black Box, and Uncharted Zone)—with actionable tools on how to use it to build tech more responsibly

  • The threats of unequal digital access, the six E’s of inclusion, and how to build more inclusive companies and products

  • Why innovation policy is the new industrial policy, and takeaways for policymakers to act in the new world of life, death, and tech

  • The three critical opportunities for traditional companies to adapt to the new economy

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